Bhavani, Maa Bhavani, Tulja Bhavani is Maa Adishakti Durga only. These all are different names and swaroopas of Maa Adishakti Jagat Janani Jagadamba Durga. Mahalakshmi, Mahakali and Mahasaraswati too are forms of Maa Adishakti Durga.There was a demon (Rakshasa) by name "Kukur" who tortured her. Then Goddess Bhavani rescued Anubhuthi and killed the demon. The goddess on the prayer of her favourite devotee settled on the hill of "Bala Ghat". Since then the Mother Goddess came to be called as Bhavani of Tuljapur or Tulja Bhavani.
Design: Made in pure 925 Silver.
Metal- Silver.
Purity- 92.5%