Parshva is the twenty third Tirthankara (24 overall) who lived in the eighth century BC, and continues to be a popular object of Jain devotion. Kevala is the perfect and complete knowledge that is Jain enlightenment.Parshvanatha established the “fourfold restraint,” the four vows taken by his followers (not to take life, steal, lie, or own property) that, with Mahavira’s addition of the vow of celibacy, became the five “great vows” (mahavratas) of Jain ascetics. The legends surrounding Parshvanatha emphasize his association with serpents. His mother is said to have seen a black serpent crawling by her side before his birth, and in sculpture and painting he is always identified by a canopy of snake hoods over his head. According to accounts in the Jain scripture the Kalpa-sutra, Parshvanatha once saved a serpent that had been trapped in a log in an ascetic’s fire. The snake, later reborn as Dharana, the lord of the underworld kingdom of nagas (snakes), sheltered Parshvanatha from a storm sent by a demon.
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