Guggal Dhoop is often used in Pooja. It is said that using it with ghee can do magic.
You can use a small vessel which is heat compliance. Put small pieces of charcoal and put some Guggal Dhoop in it with some ghee. Burn it and as soon the smoke comes take the vessel to each and every corner of the house. It will ensure removal of microbes and pest from the house which are main reason of bad health. Guggal is related to lord ‘Shiva’ and ghee is related to ‘Shakti’, and together they become Shiva-Shakti and has the power to remove negativity from your house and office.
Also, it is very powerful and has the ability to caste off the evil eye. If you think that your house or any of the members is the target of evil eye burn this Dhoop morning and evening after Pooja and spread the smoke in every corner of the house. You will see the effect immediately.